Friday, January 30, 2009

Not All Super-Bowl Commercials are Equal

Some get ignored on the way to political correctness

NBC should realize who is watching

You won't see this during the game, unless NBC changes their mind. Give them a piece of yours. Go ahead and e-mail your favorite NBC official. Don't have a favorite? Then send to this one: after watching this ... they've turned it down and will not allow the owners to buy time to show it during the game [or any other time, either].

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Pray all pregnant women will make the same choice.


Adrienne said...

If people that object would just turn off their TV, it would solve the problem.

uncle jim said...

TURN OFF THE TV ?!?!?!?!

The super bowl is not the place to take sides - next thing you know they'll start banning Victoria Secret commercials for the 'right'

Naw ... that would never happen.