Monday, November 26, 2007

From the com-boxes of earlier posts

Your Way Monday
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MJ said...

OK Jim here goes one 2nd chance (I have several more).

I was headed to church last Sat. to be sacristan for 5:00 mass. I was stopped at a red light when I heard kablunk behind me. I looked in my rear view mirror just in time to see a red pickup truck swerving over the curb onto the tree lawn and stopping right beside me (I turned and looked at his face).

If he had not swerved, my car and I would have been toast !!!

I thanked God and said once again, "You have a purpose for me." Please show me what it is so I can follow. That is the scariest thing for me - how do I know?

(November 21, 2007 11:27 PM

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...from uncle jim
Here's a close call story from another friend.

She was in the left turn lane of a 5-lane intersection. She thought the traffic had cleared and started her left turn. As she entered the more left part of the intersection she saw a semi tractor-trailer barreling towards her just yards away. She knew she was 'dead'. She recalls closing her eyes, gripping the steering wheel, and in panic, hitting the brakes, and screaming as an expletive the name of Our Lord, as she awaited the impact [and all of this was in a split-second, as you might imagine]. When she opened her eyes, she was through the intersection, there was no semi in sight, and she was fine. She assures there was no physical way it could have ended like it did. She claims some supernatural suspension of time by her guardian angel moved her through supernaturally fast, or somebody [who might that have been] moved the truck around her, which she says could not have happened naturally. I commented to her there is supernatural power in the name of Jesus ... and she had screamed out to him, albeit perhaps in a manner not exactly reverential. She is more careful now how she uses His name.

I've had close calls of many kinds, I'm sure. How many have I counted as 'a second chance' ?
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Adrienne said...

My favorite teacher was Sister St. Philomena. She was a small woman and wore glasses that were thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis thick. Sister would sit on her desk and tell us stories about when she was our age. I’m sure that was frowned upon by her superiors. But the best of all was her story about some sneaky nun who used to leave the room and sneak back, holding her rosary beads to keep them quiet, so she could catch the kids who were talking. Sister St. Philomena vowed she would never do anything so nasty. When she returned to the room after an absence we could hear her coming down the hall, swinging her beads to make a huge clatter, giving us plenty of time to compose ourselves. Gotta love her!!!

(November 22, 2007)
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Stories of God's protection are faith builders to others. Tell us one of yours, please. - right here in this comment box. I look forward to your story. I'll share your 'second chance' with others in a future post.
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