such a causeRaising good children is one of the greatest challenges we face as parents. The below post is from a program called "Empowering Parents". They issue a regular e-mailed newsletter full of tips that work for most parents who try them. I encourage you to look at this sample post, look at the newsletter, and subscribe [it is free]. Follow the instructions and you will greatly increase your chances of learning effective behaviors and responses. These in turn will help your child[ren] become the people you want them to be.
uncle jim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
short and sweet - a great 'how to'Does your child say this?
" I forgot! "
by James Lehman, MSW
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Is your child’s answer to everything, “I forgot?” The fact of the matter is,
sometimes children do forget, and certainly a reminder from the parent to do their work or complete a task is appropriate. But when kids use “I forgot” on a regular basis, it becomes a way to justify irresponsible behavior. As an excuse, “I forgot” means the child is avoiding a certain task or responsibility which they don’t feel they can perform and don’t know how to get help with. Or it could be because they’re being lazy and don’t care about it. Laziness causes as much irresponsible behavior on the part of children as any other explanation.
Read the rest here)
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Have you had any similar experiences. How did it work out?
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he needs no introduction
May I introduce you to...
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[ 3:19 ]
'Click' on the above > and get ready to meet ...
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Alright, how would you do it?
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I tell parents of young children that are struggling to watch Super Nanny with Jo Frost. She has a book out, too.
I think that is a wonderful introduction.
I like that Who do I Read thingy on your sidebar. It is obvious you go in alphabetical order. I am waaaaaay more random than that:)
alphabetical order?
is it that obvious?
i thought about doing numerical order but that would require assigning numbers ... and that is WAAAAAAAAY too much work.
I'm usually pretty good with words, but I can't beat that intro.
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