Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is this 'a second chance'?

(from Zenit - LONDON, OCT. 12, 2007) Muslim scholars have written to Benedict XVI and the heads of Christian churches to propose that the two faiths cooperate in creating peace and understanding in the world.

The 138 signatories of this year's letter offer an open invitation to Christians to unite with Muslims over what is most essential to their respective faiths -- the commandment of love.

The document calls for tolerance, understanding and moderation, and is signed by Muslim leaders, politicians and academics.
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(from Catholic World Report) In the Netherlands, a Dutch Catholic Bishop has suggested that Christians should refer to God as "Allah" to promote better relations. God doesn't really care how we address Him," said Bishop Muskens. '"Allah' is a term already used by Christians who speak Arabic. God is above such bickering."

He predicted that within a century or two, Dutch Catholics would be addressing prayers to "Allah."
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So who is the tail and who is the dog here? Who is doing the wagging?

If Jesus is God incarnate, who is Muhammed?

1 comment:

uncle jim said...

I wondered if anyone would consider that - I wondered the same thing as I read the account. I hope we're wrong on both counts.