Thursday, July 24, 2008

how do I love thee ...let me count the ways

chastity - the giant killer
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the following is an excerpt from a post by Fr. John Valencheck of Adam's Ale
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Now, if a person sees faith as something as intimately tied to who he is like being male, he is far less likely to be a cafeteria Catholic. Even if he have other predilections, opting out of being a man is not in the cards save through complicated and expensive illusion. The same should be said of the man or woman of faith. He would say, “I am Christian and that is the lens through which I see life and therefore effects even my politics and what I do behind closed doors. It is like being a gentleman. If I am pleasant in public but rude in private, I am not a gentleman but a rude person who has moments of acting like a gentleman. So if I love this woman, it is more important for me to say no to carnal relations even if I really want to have them because it will be more important for me to see the one I supposedly love get into heaven than it would be for me to demand this action of her for my benefit. We love each other more in saying, “No,” (even though it may not feel like it) than in giving in to what I want. [ click here to read entire entry for July 22, 2008]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I've had a little experience with autism and it's milder form, Asperger's Syndrome. Those are tough cases.