My Way Sunday
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My wife and I babysat two grandchildren Friday evening - a 5 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. They and their mother, our daughter, came to town for the week-end on short notice - they live approx 3-1/4 hours east of us in central OH. We were already committed to be gone out-of-town all day Saturday, even though they were staying at our house until Sunday afternoon.
We arrived home Saturday evening, and again provided babysitting services while our daughter spent time with her elementary school through college best friend who was here in town from south of Nashville TN.
Ergo, no Saturday post.
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Ministry is oft-times not even recognized. This week-end our parish is holding a 'Ministry Fair'. The purpose and intent is to draw more parishioners into mutual service. While my wife and I participate in many different facets of our parish life, I was still taken back by the number of different groups and organizations there are in our typical parish which are there to serve others.
Here is a listing for our parish from a hand-out that was made available.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Liturgical Environment
Mass coordinators
Ministers of Communion
Ministers of Hospitality
Resurrection choir
Sacramental Preparation
Baptismal preparation couples
Marriage preparation couples
Religious formation program
Vacation bible school
Grade school formation program
Youth / High school formation program
Adult formation programs
Sacramental preparation for school aged children
[First communion, reconciliation, confirmation]
Parish School
Classroom activities
Enrichment activities
Hot-lunch program
School library
Substitute teaching
Ongoing Formation & Spirituality
Spirituality groups
Women's bible study
Women at the well reading group
Parish Life Ministries
Garden ministry
Men's athletics
Parish athletics
Parish archives
Parish facilities and grounds
Parish library
Parish picnic
Parish School parent teacher association
Stewardship committee
the Voice parish newsletter
Women's association
Homebound & Hospital
Ministry of the fibres
Parish nursing
Sister parish
Rainbows for all God's children
Seeking Evangelization through Eucharistic Adoration [ S.E.E.D. ]
Welcome new members committee
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Cub Scouts
TRI-PARISH GROUPS and MINISTRIES [ collaborative works between the 3 local parishes ]
Daughters of Isabella
Harvest soup kitchen
Health care centers & nursing homes
Knights of Columbus
Legion of Mary
Prison Ministry
Secular Franciscans
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Youth ministry
Deanery-wide Middle School
Local Christian Community Groups
County-wide Christian Ministries
Church women united
Crop walk
Ecumenical Sunday Prayer Service
Habitat for Humanity
Walk for Life
Time & Talent Volunteer Opportunities
Artistic or photography skills
Babysitting & childcare
Baking & cooking various needs
Bingo worker
Cleaning skills
Computer and related skills and support
Desktop publishing help
Facilities maintenance
Seasonal facilities work
Grounds maintenance
Season grounds clean-up
Laundering & Ironing
Mending & sewing
Musical talent
Parish bulletin & mailing
Parish office
Religious formation office
School office
Miscellaneous others - name your talent or skill and make it available
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How do you share your time & talent?
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Sharing a comment on the new "Golden Age"
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
I'm still very much looking for the proper balance of where I share my time and talent. Right now various ministries in the branch & household receive the majority of my time, while I go to the parish for sunday mass. Something that I miss from Chicago and college: time for daily mass, and being a eucharistic minister and lector.
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